Why Join CLD

Why join the Council for Learning Disabilities?

As a member, you will receive the following benefits…

Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ)

Presents scientifically-based research
Includes articles by nationally known authors

Intervention in School Clinic (ISC)

(online subscription through our members only section)
Translates research into practice
Describes teaching tools for classroom use

Members have print & electronic access for LDQ and electronic access for ISC; plus CLD members may subscribe to select professional journals at substantially reduced rates. Log in to your member account for journal access.

LD Forum – available on the website

Features articles that address current issues
Provides organizational information & actions

Award Recognition

Each year, CLD recognizes educators who are outstanding teachers, professionals, and researchers. These award recipients are recognized at the CLD annual international conference, receive a complimentary registration, honorarium, and one-year membership renewal. Additionally, these distinguished educators are profiled in LD Forum and on the CLD Web site.

CLD Leadership Academy

Each year, CLD selects a small cadre of distinguished educators to participate in the Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy provides emerging leaders the opportunity to assume a leadership role on a local, state, and national level in service to students with learning disabilities and their families. Academy Leaders have the opportunity to network and receive mentoring from some of the most-highly regarded leaders in the field of Learning Disabilities.

Professional Development

CLD members attend international and regional conferences and have direct access to exemplary educators and researchers in the field of special education. These conferences provide the most current information on evidenced-based instructional practices for RTI and on topics of interest for all professionals who serve students with learning disabilities.

Networking Opportunities

CLD members receive peer support and have a chance to meet and share ideas with other professionals throughout the country. Members are encouraged to join CLD local and state chapters and participate on CLD steering committees.

Participation in Advocacy in the Field

For more than 25 years, the Council for Learning Disabilities has fostered members’ professional growth by presenting information related to current issues and intervention practices and representing its members’ voices on critical issues that shape policy and reform practice in the field of learning disabilities.

  • CLD is a founding member of the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD), which provides an interdisciplinary forum to review issues affecting educational and governmental agencies.
  • CLD is a founding organization participating in the Coordinated Campaign on Learning Disabilities (CCLD), established to promote public awareness, early identification, and intervention.

Discounted Journal Subscriptions

The process for getting great journals at greatly reduced prices has changed. CLD has coordinated with Sage publishers to extend this valuable membership benefit. Sign in to your members only journal access for the list of publications and ordering information. CLD thanks the publishers who offer this service to our members

At $175 per year, CLD membership is a great value for professionals who want to keep abreast of best practices and current research.

CLD also offers a Student Membership for $65 per year. There are many benefits to the membership for students. Please contact us for more information on these benefits at cldinfo@cldinternational.org.

Retired CLD professionals who have been a member for 5 years and are at least 65 years of age are entitled to an annual rate of $60.

Click Here for a pdf of our current Membership Form.

Starting a CLD Chapter

CLD members interested in starting a chapter should look at Guidelines for CLD Chapters: Starting Chapters and Helping them Grow or student chapter For more information, please contact the CLD Leadership Development Chair (Click on ‘About CLD’ on the homepage).