CLD Publications

The Council for Learning Disabilities publishes the following professional publications:

The Council for Learning Disabilities also supports the following professional publications:

Author guidelines and subscription information are available for each publication through the menu at the top of your screen.

Membership in the Council for Learning Disabilities includes complimentary subscriptions to LD Forum,  Intervention in School and Clinic (ISC), and the Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ).  ISC focuses on advancing teaching skills and the direct service to people with learning disabilities.  The Learning Disability Quarterly reports cutting-edge research on the many facets of learning disabilities.  In addition to these two journals, CLD members also receive a periodic update on the organization, as well as informative articles, through the LD Forum newsletter. This is sent to our members five times a year.

CLD is excited to be taking steps toward environmental sustainability by implementing online only journals for the Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ). Currently, Members receive online access to both LDQ and Intervention in School and Clinic (ISC) through your Member Only access, and print copies of LDQ.  Online access only will begin for all members renewing after July 1, 2022; members will continue to receive print copies of LDQ up to their next renewal.

If you prefer, as a CLD member, you will have the option to receive print copies of LDQ and/or ISC for an annual subscription price of $10 each. At the time of your renewal, just use the dropdown option for journals and select which journal you want print copies of. The amount will be added to your membership total. This option will be made available each year.

All back issues of the above journals and the LD Forum newsletter are available to our members in the Members Only section of our website.  To access these journals, sign in with your member login, click on Online Journals, and then click on the journal you wish to view back issues of.

In addition to CLD’s own publications, here are other resources that you may find helpful.