Learning Disability Quarterly

Information for LDQ

Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ) is published four times per year (Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall) by the Council for Learning Disabilities. A subscription (with free electronic access) to this journal is included in your annual membership in CLD.

LDQ also produces podcasts that are available for viewing at the following link:

Annual CLD Membership Dues

  • $175.00 for professionals
  • $65 for students
  • $60 for retired CLD professionals

To become a CLD member

11184 Antioch #405, Overland Park, KS 66210

Phone: 913-491-1011, or Join CLD.

Subscription (including both print and electronic access) to LDQ is available without CLD membership. Non-members who are interested in copies should contact Sage Publications.