Current Issue Table of Contents

Contents of the Current Issue of
Intervention in School and Clinic
Volume 59, Number 4
March 2024

Lead Feature

Integrating Trauma-Informed Practices Into Check-In/Check-Out for Use in Alternative Education Settings
Aimee J. Hackney, Kristine Jolivette, and Sara Sanders

Feature Articles

Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Anxiety in Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jennifer Barna, Patricia Arter, and Kathleen Arban

A Teacher’s Toolkit for Assessment When Implementing Data-Based Individualization in Mathematics
Soyoung Park, Pamela M. Stecker, and Sarah R. Powell

Transition Tasks: Individualized Education Program Involvement for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Angela Tuttle Prince

Prereferral Intervention for English Learners: Important Considerations
Heath Marrs, Nicholas J. Garcia, Mason D. Berndt, and Carlos Ramirez


Current Topics in Review
Moira Konrad, Associate Editor

Phonemic Awareness: Evidence-Based Instruction for Students in Need of Intervention
Marianne Rice, Florina Erbeli, and Kausalai Wijekumar

Collaboration Forum
Kim Paulson, Associate Editor

Creating a Vocational Training Site for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Alexandria T. Cordell

Technology Trends
Cathy Newman Thomas, Associate Editor

Implementing Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Youth: Practical Strategies for Educators
Kari Sherwood, Matthew J. Smith, Brittany Ross, Jeffery Johnson, Amy Trautwein, Matthew Landau, and Kara Hume

Global Perspectives
Elizabeth Walton, Associate Editor

Special Education Teacher Training Programs in South Korea: Current Status and Issues
Joungmin Kim and Kyeong-Hwa Kim