Contents of the Current Issue of
Learning Disability Quarterly
Volume 48, Issue 1
February, 2025
Parental Allyship for Children With Dyslexia: A Conceptual Lens on Disability Experiences
Rachel Leslie, Alice Brown, and Ellen Larsen
Development of Education Policies and Practices for Students With Learning Disabilities in South Korea Using Delphi Surveys and Topic Modeling
Mikyung Shin, Haerin Park, and Eun Young Kang
Do the Special Education Regulations in States Requiring RtI for SLD Identification Include or Omit Intervention Fidelity?
Wendy S. Cochrane and Brandon J. Wood
Academic Achievement and Engagement During the Transition to Middle Childhood: Comparisons by Learning Disability Status
Rachelle M. Johnson and Jenna E. Finch
Students With LD and Decision Making for After High School: Emotions and Basic Psychological Needs
Lauren D. Goegan, Devon J. Chazan, and Lia M. Daniels